Industry 4.0 and Shoplogix
Industry 4.0 and Shoplogix – Smart new automation tools and technologies are rapidly changing the face of the manufacturing industry around the world. This transformation process is the result of the 4th industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0. Manufacturers have to acknowledge that this revolution will make a significant difference to their potential earnings.
The Industrial Revolution started in Britain in the 18th century when steam power was introduced in factories. The introduction of mass production and assembly lines, using electrical power, in the late 19th century characterized the start of the second Industrial Revolution. With technology evolving, production computers, IT-systems and robotics were introduced in factories during the 20th century. This was known as the third Industrial Revolution. In the 21st century the fourth revolution took what the 3rd Industrial Revolution introduced and enhanced it with smart and autonomous systems, backed by IoT (Internet of Things), cloud computing and machine learning. The fourth Industrial Revolution is the first Industrial Revolution that is not fuelled by a new type of energy, with its roots being in digitalisation.
Now, as Industry 4.0 takes place, computers are interconnected, allowing communication with one another to ultimately make decisions without human involvement. A combination of cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things makes Industry 4.0 possible and Smart Factories a reality. This revolutionary digitisation is already taking the European industries by storm, with German manufacturers expected to invest largely to integrate Industry 4.0 frameworks into their existing business operations and practices.
Our Mission is to lead the Industry 4.0 movement and give insight into Automation, Industrial Internet of Things and Smart Factories.
Shoplogix is making use of Industry 4.0 by ensuring that manufacturers transform their factories into “Smart Factories”. Smart Factories are based around two primary ideas: digitalisation -connecting various data sources together; linking applications like Quality, Preventative Maintenance, safety and ERP systems.
Shoplogix Smart Factory platform has key features such as: cloud-based platform; universal connectivity; system integration; real-time machine data; plant-wide visibility and accelerated problem-solving abilities. Using Shoplogix, manufacturers are able to improve their OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), be more flexible and efficient within their operations and therefore increase bottom line earnings.
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